Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Average Jane Biz *Review* EZ20Now
With that being said, I am happy to share with you the popular "EZ20Now" business opportunity that you may have noticed marketed online lately. My husband and I were able to invest $20 in to this business and give it a test drive. We wanted to see if it was a genuine system, or just another "bait and switch." We went through a friend that was having success in the EZ20Now business and copied what he did.
Well, neither my husband and I are webmasters, or professional website builders. We are handy with HTML and website coding. HOWEVER, we DID struggle with getting the coding squared away to get the site up and running. It took some time and fooling around to get it right, but after all was said and done, it was up and running.
The next step was to market the website. We added it to every resource the EZ20Now founders make available. Now, keeping in mind that it is the SAME resource all of the other EZ20Now owners were using, we also tried to 'think outside of the box' and find other avenues to market, such as forums, videos, etc. We used a tracking URL to see how much traffic we were actually generating and be able to target the marketing techniques that worked best.
The unfortunate part for us was that we had no lead capture page. You can call it a splash page, landing page, etc. Basically, that simple page you go to and enter your contact information. Because of that, the hundreds of visitors that did not purchase the program are forever lost to us. Which is a shame, because maybe the FreeOnlineCashSystem would have better suited them. All of the visitors saw the same marketing page as all of the EZ20Now owners have. Nothing personal, intimate, relational to get them interested in us as business owners and human beings.
We tried to create a capture page and yet, we struggled again, trying to get the HTML code to work with the existing code for the website. Having some experience in marketing, we opted to create another way for visitors to get to know us and request information. This still did not yield the results that we had hoped for. Especially, with all of the time we put into marketing it. Even with one sale, if we put in more than 20 hours per sale, we were earning $1 an hour and that was insane.
Yet, despite the tone of the last few sentences, we DID make one sale. We had 100% ROI (return on investment) and so from this point on, anything else is profit. We left our website in rotation of various traffic exchanges, in the event the timing is right for someone else. But, we have had our experience and are satisfied with breaking even.
The one sale we made was to a gentleman who was quite savvy with HTML and I believe he had his website up within an hour. This is not the average consumer though. Now, if a person decided to utilize the third party hosting company that EZ20Now recommends, they will see their site in a couple of days, but with far less stress than we had. They can read the e-books and other benefits offered in the back office, and get familiar with the product, while they wait.
It is a viable business with a product that is worth the price tag, and bonuses beyond that. The creators are consistently working to improve the benefits for all EZ20Now owners. For us, it was a lot of work to get the website up and running and the alternative was extra money spent on a hosting company to do the work on our behalf.
We give the EZ20Now system 4 out of 5 stars.
Joy Marino
Average "Jane"
Average "Jane" Biz *Review* Free Online Cash System
In the pursuit of researching businesses to supplement our family income, I decided to do some case studies on business that I see online. These business opportunities lead the viewer to believe that the opportunity is free and that you can make hundreds or thousands of dollars "overnight". Of course, not everything is what it seems.
Our first case study is about a little-known system that was launched on December 15, 2007. It is called the Free Online Cash System. This particular business was created to enable people to pay a low cost to get started and yield large results.
After some 'growing pains', the founders, Jah Kafele and Keith Cameron, stumbled upon a way to introduce the business to any individual, anywhere in the world, with no out of pocket cost to that person. The Free Online Cash System went through a metamorphosis and became what is is today.
My personal experience with The Free Online Cash System is a positive one. I found the system in late January of 2008, shortly after the memberships started to increase, due to the magnetiscm of the program itself. I was skeptical that there was truly NO out of pocket cost and was determined to wait and see.
Now, because it worked out so well for me, and many people I introduced to the system, it has become my primary business. But, setting aside my respect and adoration for the Free Online Cash System, its Founders and the Community of Members, I will say that there is a bit of work involved.
In order to join the Free Online Cash System with NO out of pocket cost, a person must complete 2 "Phases". These phases are a bit tedious and you must be very careful to read the terms and conditions of the third-party resources. This is not a problem for most, but for some it can be too much to deal with.
In response to the concerns of the guests that wanted to become members, the Free Online Cash System Founders decided to create a way for people to join without completing all of the "Phases". This, though, requires a payment to be made in lieu of the advertised NO out of pocket.
Members have come through the 'doors' and started to generate free cash, as they call it, for themselves in both ways, with or without paying anything. The option is left open to the guests as to what they want to do. But, now at least, people have the option.
In addition, the training and support were like nothing I had ever experienced. My own sponsor was available via email, phone or instant messenger any time that I had questions. If he was not able to address my questions, or was unavailable, I could freely contact the Founders for answers or suggestions.
Likewise, the training is specifically designed to help the newbie get going, as well as provide resources for the advanced marketer, again, with NO out of pocket cost. They hold two calls for training per week, besides a regularly updated training page. They open up the training calls for Q&A before getting in to the content of the call. And last, but not least, the members that come in to the Community, bring with them various levels of experience in various types of marketing, and share them with other members of the community.
In summary, after 4 months being involved with the Free Online Cash System, I can comfortably state that it is a true opportunity for anyone that wants to get started in an online business with NO out of pocket cost. I have personally recognized the Founders and the majority of the Member Community to be helpful, supportive and available. I have not been 'hit' with any hidden fees, charges or upgrade requirements, as there are none.
I give the Free Online Cash System 5 out of 5 stars!
Joy Marino aka Average "Jane"Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Marketing Tip: Brand YOU.
When you think of Tiger Woods, Michael Jordan, Oprah Winfrey, Rachel Ray what comes to mind? Each of these people have made a name for themselves within their respective profession. They each have branded themselves as an experienced professional. When they move on to promoting a product, people will buy because they respect and admire that person.
When you go about building your business, do you brand XYZ company? Do you promote ABC Team? Do you brand your mentor, or the CEO of your company? For so many years, building a business seemed to hinge on the credibility of a company or it’s highest paid producers. And, if for someone reason that Company or CEO took a fall, it caused a tremendous ripple effect, devastating everyone involved. That is one of the key reasons NOT to build your business---traditional or home-based---on the credibility of others.
This is not to say that you shouldn’t “piggy-back” on someone else’s credibility. Nor, should you neglect to mention a company’s success or good standing with the BBB. More so, the point is to build YOUR credibility with people that are looking at what you have to offer them. Your success does not lie in XYZ Company, ABC Team or John D. CEO. Your success lies within your OWN efforts and hard work.
To illustrate, let me give you an example that I was once presented with, when first learning this important concept---branding YOU. Let’s say you want to open a McDonald’s restaurant. You get everything set up and then you open the doors. Now, you will get some people that stop by out of curiosity and some by chance. But, that is not going to pay back all of the loans you initiated to open your business. You will need customers. And, you want happy customers. WHY? Well, people have the money, first of all. Second, people who are happy will come back. And, people who are happy tend to TELL OTHERS. Likewise, so do unhappy customers. So, you want to do your best to make sure the majority are happy, satisfied customers that come back, and refer the people they know.
The moral of the story here is that it is not enough to open the doors. It is not enough to have a brand name for your business. It is not enough that the franchise you bought has established itself as profitable. People that walk through YOUR doors need to be serviced satisfactorily by YOU. When they walk out of the doors, they can either be happy that you run the establishment OR they can choose another McDonald’s to eat at next time. Even if the Corporation starts to see a decrease in sales, you will not be affected directly, because you have established your business as one that cares about it’s customers and is aiming to please others. This will stand the test of time and can apply to any business, in any industry.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
I used some 'flashy' types of images for this video,
but I think that you get what I am showing here.
I personally don't need or desire a Ferrari, a mansion
or piles of cash.
Me, I would like a custom-built home, from a drawing
(a vision) I created. I would like to have our cars PAID
off. I would like to visit Bora Bora, that is true. I would
also like to have enough cash flow to pay off all of our
debts, new clothes for everyone and college funds for
each of our (collective) 7 children.
Hope that you enjoy the short video.
YouTube Tip [Free Online Cash System]
So, I want to share with you a You Tube trick that I learned. Now, for some, it is 'elementary' or 'common sense'. However, I have seen a great deal of video marketers out there NOT using this fundamental tip.
When you are creating your description for your video, there is ONE thing that will make a huge difference as to whether or not people get to your site from your video. But, before I tell you that, you need to understand the mindset of most people watching your video(s).
See, they go searching for a solution to a problem. Maybe they start at Google, maybe they start on You Tube. Either way, they enter a phrase in to the "search" box and expect to receive and INSTANT answer to their problem. They find YOUR video and watch it. They are drawn to your magnetism and charisma. They want to know MORE and they want to know it NOW.
You have got them on the hook! BUT... when you reel them in, there's nothing on the end of the line.
What happened?
Well, in a nutshell... they got 'lost.' You see, they wrote down the web address incorrectly. Or, they went to your profile to grab the link and got sidetracked with the other videos floating around.
You ask yourself, "HOW?" "WHY?"
Here's the "TIP" for this: When you are putting the information in the description section, you MUST make your website FIRST. You do that already, you say? I know, but can a viewer CLICK ON IT?!? Many, many marketers don't know how to do that.
All you do is type this in front of your website (and I suggest you go back and edit ALL of your videos NOW):
"HTTP://" Of course, you do not include the quotation ("") marks.
Will you be an overnight success? I don't know. Your video says a lot about YOU and perhaps they will or will not join. But, at least you have given the viewer DIRECTION and an action step to take. From there, it's up to the viewer what they decide to do.
But, at least you will not lose prospects because of this missing info. AND... it will help the search engine sites spiderweb your videos AND your website. Or, at least that is MY understanding of it. Either way, IT WORKS, and you should see more opt-ins to your website.
So, there's my TIP for TODAY. I hope that you found it useful and I wish you success in ALL of YOUR endeavors.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Research- Ways to earn $5 a day/$100 a month
So, anyway, most of my family and friends know this about me. My business partners and associates have come to find this out as well. I think that they realize it's easier to say, "hey can you look up this?" to me, knowing I enjoy it; rather than taking time to find it themselves. And, I don't blame that. I have regular resources that I use to find out specific information. I go to one source for movie/television information; I go to another source for music, yet another for literature and yet another for bible scripture.
I think my favorite thing about research now is the internet though. It is so much quicker to find a wealth of information on any given topic, when you can just type some keywords in a box and click "GO". Not too mention finding images, sounds and of course, other people's feedback, opinions, experiences, etc.
Now, some business associates have asked a select few to do some research. Well, I have to say I love a challenge and took right to it. As I gave my input and information, I would get their feedback and could then scope in for a better search. However, I think I have bitten off more than I can chew, so to speak. There are so many opportunites out there. There are so many claims for money. It is very time consuming to read the small print and Term & Conditions on so many of the 'opportunities' out there. And, in many cases, I have already submitted some of my information to them just to get in the door.
I decided to use one of my favorite forums, MyLot, and ask the members there. How can I make $5 a day, 5 days a week, 4 weeks per month (to generate $100 monthly), with only an hour a day of work and not needing referrals to generate the cash flow. I have to say that I rececived numerous responses right away. This is encouraging for sure. Some seemed a little curious, as to why I would be looking if I already had a successfull business in place. I want to clarify that in this blog.
As I said in the beginning, I enjoy research. When asked directly or indirectly to investigate something, I jump at the chance. My business, Marino Marketing Group, works with a program called the FreeOnlineCashSystem and CashFlowSuccessSystem. I am a VIP member of the program and was one of a select few enlisted to do some research. As a company, we look for ways to continually improve and upgrade our current program. In doing so, we are creating an in-house type of program that will work well for ALL of our members. But, to make sure that everyone can participate, we want to be sure to offer alternative ways to do so. That being the case, we need to find a few legitimate programs that can enable a person to generate $100 a month in cash flow, with a small amount of hard work and without relying on recruiting referrals. The programs we wish to use must be stand-alone, in that a person is directly responsible for generating the cash flow themselves.
So, that is the heart of this post. I have explained what I am doing and why I am doing it. I look forward to comments from others that can help me find some programs to 'test-drive' and share with the founders of the FreeOnlineCashSystem and CashFlowSuccessSystem. Thank you for reading this blog and in advance, I thank you for sharing your information with me.
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
The Spiderweb Marketing System
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Thursday, May 8, 2008
What will the Tax Rebate Stimulus do for you?
So, as they say ‘like attracts like’ and many of my friends, family and associates just happen to be in similar financial situations. These days, with gass prices, grocery prices increasing and lay-offs happening all over the country; it is no surprise that more and more people are looking to generate additional income from home, take on a second job or sell their home. In my non-political opinion, the country is hurting big time.
Now, I am not in to learning the logistics of the Tax Rebate Stimulus, but I do hear the average person’s concerns. Many people would love to shop for something that is normally considered a luxury. However, most people I have talked to, are looking at the Tax rebate as a way to keep their home, pay off debt or purchase gas for their automobiles. This is a shame, because I do not believe the rebates will be used in the way that they were intended.
In fact, our family will be doing the same as many Americans out there; paying off debts, stocking up on groceries and filling up the tanks on our cars. As much as we’d LOVE to splurge, we are so far behind the 8-ball, that such luxuries are not in the cards, as they say.
Thankfully, I have a home-based business that allows us to save on gas and expenses. It brings in a nice supplemental income right now. However, we have yet to reach the full-time income that we desire and as such, many things go unpaid. Things are tough for most Americans these days, including business owners. My hope and prayer is that not only my own family is able to recover, but that each every person I know can as well and in turn, they can reach out to every person they know, and help them as well.
So, it looks like too many of the American people will be just ‘getting by’ with the tax rebates, instead of splurging. What about you?