I thought it might be nice to occasionally share a tip or hint that I have learned over the last year with Web 2.0 Marketing. It is vital that people succeed, in my opinion. You don't have to join me in my endeavors, but you do need that success for whatever business you are in.
So, I want to share with you a You Tube trick that I learned. Now, for some, it is 'elementary' or 'common sense'. However, I have seen a great deal of video marketers out there NOT using this fundamental tip.
When you are creating your description for your video, there is ONE thing that will make a huge difference as to whether or not people get to your site from your video. But, before I tell you that, you need to understand the mindset of most people watching your video(s).
See, they go searching for a solution to a problem. Maybe they start at Google, maybe they start on You Tube. Either way, they enter a phrase in to the "search" box and expect to receive and INSTANT answer to their problem. They find YOUR video and watch it. They are drawn to your magnetism and charisma. They want to know MORE and they want to know it NOW.
You have got them on the hook! BUT... when you reel them in, there's nothing on the end of the line.
What happened?
Well, in a nutshell... they got 'lost.' You see, they wrote down the web address incorrectly. Or, they went to your profile to grab the link and got sidetracked with the other videos floating around.
You ask yourself, "HOW?" "WHY?"
Here's the "TIP" for this: When you are putting the information in the description section, you MUST make your website FIRST. You do that already, you say? I know, but can a viewer CLICK ON IT?!? Many, many marketers don't know how to do that.
All you do is type this in front of your website (and I suggest you go back and edit ALL of your videos NOW):
"HTTP://" Of course, you do not include the quotation ("") marks.
Will you be an overnight success? I don't know. Your video says a lot about YOU and perhaps they will or will not join. But, at least you have given the viewer DIRECTION and an action step to take. From there, it's up to the viewer what they decide to do.
But, at least you will not lose prospects because of this missing info. AND... it will help the search engine sites spiderweb your videos AND your website. Or, at least that is MY understanding of it. Either way, IT WORKS, and you should see more opt-ins to your website.
So, there's my TIP for TODAY. I hope that you found it useful and I wish you success in ALL of YOUR endeavors.
What August brought, and September brings....
12 years ago
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