Monday, June 30, 2008

Getting enough views?

Has This Happened To You?

You spend countless hours writing a script, rehearsing, taping and editing a video to market your business... then, you upload it (possibly more hours). After a few hours more, you go to look at the blockbuster you've created and there's 2 views! *argh*

If you have 'dabbled' in video marketing but haven't gotten the views would like, here are a couple of tips that may be helpful for you.

Do a test with your video and upload it to not only YouTube, but sites like Revver, Facebook, MySpace, etc. Just two or three sites will work for your testing phase. This will allow you to see what type of visitors your video attracts and any comments that they make can be used to help you target your business more effectively.

The amount of traffic that you get will give you a good idea of how popular
your product or service might be - it will also shed some light on
what you might need to change in order to attract the type of visitors
that you want. Sometimes, it may be more of the delivery and/or length of the message than the actual product or service itself that will determine if people watch your entire video and visit your site.

I would recommend doing some basic research, even before producing your own videos. Just go to YouTube, browse thru the various categories of videos and study the numbers of views they get. Then search for some videos in your interested niches and see how that compares. If you are enjoying your research, be sure to leave a nice comment on other's videos. It links your account to that person's and you never know who may check out your profile.

Now, since I mentioned comments...comments left by other users on the "test' video serve to shed interesting needs and thoughts faced by people in the niche. From there, ask yourself if your products or services could provide a solution bridge that gap. If you are seeing a pattern in the comments, take note of that for your next video.

Doing the research and testing will provide insight to your video's effectiveness. You may also see some material or special effects you'd like to implement. Just remember to be YOU...regardless of what other videos you see out there. By taking a little time with one 'test' video, you may be able to produce some videos that are more targeted and yield better results (more views). I'm sure you'd be amazed by the huge draw of videos and what it can do for your business.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Life Is A Highway...

Every once in a while I will witness something that absolutely makes my blood BOIL. I am not an angry person by nature, but what is UP with people not showing respect for other people? Why is it ok to disrepect someone else’s time, effort, dedication, commitment; yet, somehow it’s ok to demand others to show it to you (not you, but ‘you’ in general).

I am currently building a business online. I love my FreeOnlineCashSystem and I have a great little team of hard working individuals that are amazing! But, I have to confess, when I know that someone is out there doing unethical things, I wanna SCREAM.

To me, you simply do unto others as you would have them do unto you. BOTTOM LINE. PERIOD. END OF DISCUSSION. So, when I walk in that mindset, I expect the same of the people around me. And yet, for some people, they put on blinders. Some people will ask for your help, and when you give them a hand, they forget where they got that help.

What does this have to do with business?? EVERYTHING! To be successful in business, online or offline, you need to build long-term business relationships. “You need to learn more about others than you do about your product/service/company and,” as Dani Johnson puts it, “you will be unusually successful.” You need to learn the art of marketing.

I may not be busting records in my online business. I am NOT the top earner…the founders are, actually, as is the case in any successful business. I do not have tons of people joining the FreeOnlineCashSystem every day. THAT’S OK. I wouldn’t want it. Sure, the money would be nice, but I have something more…and in the long run will yield far more money and a true legacy for my children.

Not to side-step, but have you ever seen the Disney Movie, “Cars”? My youngest son loves it and honestly, so do I. Let me sum it up. A rookie race car wants to win the prestigious Piston Cup and be the first rookie in history to do so. He’s up against the “King” who has won time and time again for years. And, he’s also up against the bitter “Runner-up”, Chick, who always has comes in behind the King. Anyway, typical story… Rookie wants the fame and fortune and does not care about anyone but himself. He ends up getting displaced in ’hill-billy hell” and learns there that, what you think you want isn’t always what you really need. The Rookie ends up at the race and as he is just about to win, the self-serving Runner-Up crashes the King. Lightening (the Rookie) stops short of the finish line and goes back to assist the King to finish his final race. Lightening comes in 3rd, or last. Bottom line: It’s not winning the race that matters as much as it is HOW you run the race.

Businesses that have been around since I was a child or longer, and are still successful to this day will leave a legacy behind. A legacy based on outstanding customer service, employee loyalty, quality products/services and so on. Not because they made $1 Million Dollars in 6 months. People look to align themselves with success. When you are looking to join a business, be sure to take note of how that success came to fruition and whether or not there is loyalty within the community.

So, to sum up my rant here, I want to say that I congratulate every individual in the FreeOnlineCashSystem that has worked hard to make a difference. Every person, regardless of who introduced them has their own name and their own life experiences to bring with them. Each person deserves a level of respect that should rightfully be exhibited. Respect others and run the race well, and you will leave a legacy of being someone that people love and trust. Your success depends on how well YOU run the race, not on how fast the pace car is going. Got it?

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Well, What A nice Surprise!

This morning I woke up, after an very rough day yesterday. Yesterday, I had a sever headache, that had started out as some pain in my neck. Literally, a pain in the neck, not a figure of speech *LOL*. Needless to say, by last evening, I was in excruciating pain and could barely keep my eyes open. I had no pain relievers in the house, other than the "PM" versions, so I had suffered all day. I took some "PM" pain relievers and went to sleep early, around 9pm last night.

This morning, I woke up to no pain and no headache and I was very thankful for that! It just becomes so difficult to be productive when that type of pain resonates throughout your head like that. Anyway, I get the kids their breakfast and begin to catch up on the numerous emails I had from yesterday through this morning.

Now, I was amazed to see that a new Safelist that I had briefly placed an ad on yesterday resulted in 5 opt-ins throughout the evening. That was very nice to see, considering the low membership numbers at the time I placed that ad. Plus, so many people look to promote their own business, I wasn't really sure I'd get much results from it, to be honest.

That was really nice to see, but what was even nicer is an email I almost overlooked completely. I had received a payment of $150 from a gentleman I did not know. WOW. It was someone who was working with the FreeOnlineCashSystem and had leveraged some of their FreeCash to join the CashFlowSuccessSystem. SO, while I was sick in bed, I received $150. Not bad, eh?

What a great morning this has been. I know that other members in the FreeOnlineCashSystem are having morning like this, as well. That is part of the fun and excitement of this program. You do your work, you work with your team and the money flows. And, at the end of the day, you can rest assured that no one is getting hurt, scammed, schemed or manipulated. It truly is a blessing.

Have a great day my friend!



Monday, June 16, 2008

Do you make these mistakes in your email marketing?

Through this course, I realized I was doing everything wrong!

Let me ask you a question...

Have you ever been faced with the task of havingto write an email
promotion to your list, and then realized that you didn't know
what to say or how to say it?

Michael Rasmussen's new video course "EmailPromos Exposed"
promises to solve that problem for you by walking you through the
actual process of creating killer email promos step-by-step.

If you're in a hurry, just go ahead visit this URL to get instant
free access to these videos:

I decided to see if Michael's videos live up totheir promise by
trying them out myself. Here's what I found:


Overall Quality

The first thing I noticed when I opened up thefirst video was the
stunning production quality.He used Camtasia Studio for the production,
which is now the industry standard for creating high-quality screen
capture video products (and my personal favorite!). The audio is near
studio quality, and the graphics are very professional. These videos were
made by someone who KNOWS what he's doing. Well done!

I also liked how Michael divided the videos up bysection, and then again
by sub-section. For example, one video is all about the subject line,and
then there are different parts of that videothat each cover a certain area
of crafting a killer subject line.

Now let's move onto...



Here's a brief summary of each video. Obviously it's impossible to
list every single thing here, but I want you to get a feel for what
each one covered, and how well it covered it.
If you're in a hurry, just go ahead visit this URL to get instant
free access to these videos:

This video served as an introduction to the whole course. You get
to see a picture of Michael in his every day life, and he establishes
his credibility right up front by talking about some of his massive
successes online. He even provides proof of credibility by displaying
two checks in the amount of $50,000 and $25,000 which prove that,
when it comes to the subject of makingmoney with email promos, he
knows his stuff.

This is a good lesson for anyone to get. Whenever you're teaching people
how to do something, it's good to establish your credibility up front, so
that there's no doubt about whether or not you're qualified to talk about
the subject. Most product developers either skip or minimize this step.

This video talks about some things that no other marketer has bothered
to mention.
You'll learn things like:

* The mindset you need in order to write a killer promo

* The different tools you need before you get started

* How to keep your emails laser-focused

* How to create an outline that practicallywrites the email for you.

This was a fantastic video, and did a good job of kicking things off.

I liked this video, because it talked about one of MY biggest weak-
nesses when it comes to writing email promos... the subject line.
The subject line is a confusing topic, because nobody's 100% sure
what the best tactics are.

Michael breaks it down, and reveals:

* The biggest secret for writing a subject line that makes people
insanely curious.

* Techniques for personalizing the subject line.

* Mistakes to avoid when using personalization.

I was surprised to find that I was making some of the mistakes that
Michael mentioned in this video, but now I know better.

This is where a lot of people slack off when writing their emails. Michael
talks about how important it is to create an opening that is conversational,
and then reveals techniques and examples on how to do that.
He also reveals:

* How to get people to keep reading your email once they've opened it.

* How to make your opening interesting.

* Mistakes to avoid when creating your first few paragraphs.

This is one of the "meatiest" portions of the course, because it reveals
techniques that are not widely discussed on the forums, blogs, and in
most eBooks. He talks about the importance of keeping your body copy
tight and relevant, and then reveals how you can do that.
You'll also learn:

* How to write powerful bullets that make people curious and
want to find out more.

* Simple formatting tricks for making your body copy easy to read.

* The secret of "bucket brigade copy" and how to use it in your email
promos to force people tokeep reading.

This is where a lot of people wimp out in their email promos. They
start out strong, but when it comes time to ask the reader to click
the link and take action, they don't know what to say. Michael talks
about some of his favorite techniques for making that happen, and
also reveals:

* The "magic question" to ask yourself that will make your close
much more powerful.

* The secret of the "unanswered question" and why handling this is
a surefire way to get people toact right away.

* The structure of a powerful close.

* Mistakes people make when creating their close.

Some people say that the P.S. is one of the mostimportant parts of the
email, because it is often the one thing that gets people to click the link
at the end.
In this video, Michael talks about:

* Why you should including a P.S. at the end ofyour email.

* The 4 different kinds of P.S.'s you can use (this section was a real
eye-opener for me).

I loved this video, because it showed me some mistakes that I was
making that I wasn't even aware of. Unless you're a seasoned pro,
you're probably guilty of some of the things that Michael talks about
in this video as well, and that's why it's so valuable. I've shaved years
off my learning curve, because now I can avoid some of the costly
mistakes that I was bound to make in the learning process.

This video alone is going to make me a lot of money. Why? Because I
used to only send out one email promo for each affiliate promotion I was
doing. Michael showed me in this video how important it is to send a
follow-up promotion, and he showed me exactly how to do it.
He covered things like:

* The psychology of follow-up email promo's.

* The 2 main types of follow-up promos that make the most money.

* How to overcome readers' objections in your follow up emails.

* The 2 most common mistakes people make when writing follow-ups and
how to avoid them.

Every marketing guru out there says that the REAL money is on the back end.
I'd have to agree with them, but the problem is... most people have no idea how
to set up a back end system that makes money. This video will teach you how to
set up an automated back end that's loaded with killer promos that make you
lots of cash on autopilot.
He reveals things like:

* The big difference between regular and back end email promos.

* How to prepare a back end promotion sequence.

* Common mistakes people make when creating back end email promos.

This could be the most important video of theentire package for a lot
of people, because most people email their list to promote other people's
products as an affiliate. Let's face it, if you only have 3 products, can you
really afford to only email your list 3 times a year? They'll get bored hearing
about the same old products over and over again. This video sheds some
light on how to create killer affiliate promos.
Michael reveals things like:

* The two main types of affiliate promos.

* What makes affiliate promos different than regular promos (and why
ignoring this huge secret could cost you big money).

* Michael's favorite tactics for creating affiliate promos that no one else
is doing.

* 3 different ways to add scarcity to your affiliate promos (this is the most
important section of the video, so make sure you watch it over and over again).

As you can see, Email Promos Exposed really packs a lot of punch! Most of
the courses out there offer only watered down, weak content. Not this one!
These videos are going on my "A-list" for along time.

I've already watched them twice, and plan on reviewing them every couple of
months to make sure that I have the principals, techniques and tactics burned
into my mind.

If email marketing is an important part of your business (and in my opinion, it's the
most important part of ANY online business), then you owe it to yourself to check out
Michael's exciting new videos, Email Promos Exposed.

Here's the URL where you can get instant free access to the videos right now.



Saturday, June 7, 2008

Mothers deserve their payday, too! |Free Online Cash System

Today's mothers rarely get recognition for all that they do. No matter the circumstances, the average mom works far harder than she is ever compensated for. Many seek out ways to generate money while staying at home, so they can continue to do so OR leave their job.To make free cash from home is a blessing for many and moms deserve their pay too

read more | digg story

Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Marketing Makes Me SICK!

Hey, I know that title is a bit 'rough' and you may be thinking it is a tactic or ploy to get views. NOPE. I truly feel that way today! I am SO sick of all of the 'experts' charging for their secrets while the rest of us flounder around the internet like a fish out of water.

No, I am not a negative person, I really am not. I am just tired of busting my you-know-what, to find out that the 'nice person' is STILL going to finish LAST! *argh!* Why is it that being 'nice' royally ruins a person? Why is it that people will take advantage of the 'nice people', get what they want, and then leave the other person out to dry?

I recently came to the awareness that people I thought were my 'friends' were actually just using me to pivot off of, to their own success. And, the sad thing is, it is STILL being done to dozens of others. I can't tell anyone anything, because they won't listen to me. Who am I? To them, I am just a stay-at-home mom with too much time on her hands and more kids than they'll ever know what to do with. And, to a degree, I get where they are coming from. I don't rank #1 on Google. I haven't spent thousands to be trained in business. I don't have any degrees or fancy certificates.

What I do have is the heart of a servant. I care more about these people and their well-being, then they will EVER know. I don't have to know them personally. They are people just like me, wanting to improve their lives. They are people with families. They are people that have tried an endless stream of 'opportunities' JUST so they could have a slim chance at their dream life. Who am I to take that away from them?

But, at night, when I lie down to sleep, I pray for them. Because, I know something they don't. I know that all of THEIR hard work is building up someone else. I did a video once about branding YOU. Making a name for who you are, what you believe in and what you have to offer the world. I don't think but a small handful truly 'grasped' the message. And, that small group was comprised of people that already knew what I was saying and had learned that long ago. They already had established themselves. The other 90%+ of the viewers continue, to this day, to market someone else.

I wish I could share with them what I have learned. I wish that people could just be kind to one another. I wish that, instead of promoting a product/service/team/company/Guru... people would just grasp that no one follows a "no name". People buy the name brand product because it has been brainwashed in to their brain that it works! Most people don't follow the 'underdog', but rather, they seek out the "Guru" and follow them. That's great for the "Guru", but where is the person that did ALL of the hard work to market the "Guru"? They are left out and either give up, or move on to something else, only to repeat the vicious cycle.

It has been a rough road for me this year. I have worked really hard to make a name for myself and every time I am feeling like I am getting somewhere, I find that a door has been slammed shut in my face. But, as the saying goes: "When one door is closed, another one is opened." I believe and have faith that my God will take care of me, and that if I stay strong, and seek out the open door, I will never fail. The only way I could fail is if I give up. I hope that others out there in the business marketplace seek out the open doors that are in front of them. That they never give up and therefore, never accept failure or defeat.


Monday, June 2, 2008

It's ALL Mine!

What the heck does that mean, you ask?

Well, for about a year, I have had a domain name...MY name... .

And, for MOST of the year, I have been re-directing it to everyone else's sites. I used to have it directed to my MySpace page, but, I would flip-flop with it, never actually 'settling' any one place.

Don't ask me why...ok, go ahead...

Why is that?

Because I am 'wishy-washy'!

I am still so gun-shy of making a name for myself on the Internet. I mean, I am out there. You can find me all over. But, there is something about having a self-promoting site that seems...well, selfish.

I can be selfish, of course! But, I don't wear that 'coat' very well. It's like a wool sweater. It itches me and irritates at me. It doesn't flow well with who I am. I am a cotton t-shirt and denim jeans type of girl...always have been.

Anyway, I am doing my usual "Edith Bunker" here, where I go way off topic.

So, after the disaster with You Tube, I decided not to do videos for awhile. I just don't feel it is worth my time and effort to battle with it anymore. The emotional roller-coaster is why I turned to Internet marketing, and away from leads and sales.

So, I went to a free website that I had set up a while ago and got to work. I started a page that is about ME. WHOA! It's not a sales page or a splash page. It doesn't tell my whole story, but starts at where I am now, in my life.

I took that year old domain URL and pointed it to my web page. I added a picture my husband took in Tennessee last year (it is an awesome picture) and put it on there. I threw in a quick, "contact me" sentence and was DONE.

So, now, I am just going to market ME. I have a lot to offer people and after doing some studying, I have found my niche. Which was in the back of my mind as I created my website. I want to reach people very much like me.

I have spent most of my life trying to please ALL of the people ALL of the time. I think that is where most of my "failure" stems from. But, in reality, as I have said before, if I learn something from past experience, it can never truly be a failure. I need to attract more people like me, and then let it spiderweb from there.

So, is out there and LIVE to attract other stay at home moms, who have talents and gifts lying dormant, who want to have more in this life and GIVE more to their children then they can now, or then they ever had themselves.

With billions of people on the planet, I KNOW there are many other moms out there...


Moms that have so much to offer the world...if only someone would be honest, ethical and morally responsible to show them the way. I found that, and now I am offering that back to the world.

Thanks for reading.



Another One Bites The Dust (YouTube)

So, it is Sunday evening and I am working on learning some new marketing techniques. I sit back and read some very good material about marketing with videos. As always, I open another tab on my Internet browser so I can log in to my account. I pause, before typing in my password.

"Ah, yes, have to remember I changed it after having my MySpace page deleted," I thought to myself.

I am so used to using a similar password for most of my marketing sites, that I had almost typed the old one in. But, I remembered and did my thing, clicked 'login' and waited.

"WTH?!?!?" To put it lightly, that's what came out of my mouth.

My account has been 'temporarily (permanently, in truth) suspended.'

This is the second time since February that my YouTube account has been deleted. Again, with no warning or explanation as to the reason why.

I go to the Help section in search of some clue as to "WHY?" But, of course...NADA. Some generic FAQ answer that really didn't help me at all.

This comes on the cusp of having my MySpace page removed last week, and my business opt-ins (leads) slow to barely any at all.

Now, I can take this chain of events a few different angles.

1) Someone is trying to snuff out the 'competition'. Give me a break. I'm a stay at home mom!
2) Someone just has it "in" for me. Can't figure out why.
3) Bad luck (or something like that). I mean, come on----some of the videos on YT are far worse and less entertaining,some are downright rude and inappropriate.
4) An opportunity to move away from what I was doing; move towards what I am supposed to be doing.

Now, since I put it last, you can probably guess, that's where I am pointing my mindset. Regardless of "WHY", the bottom line is this: it happened, get over it, move on!

So, now the dilemma is truly in what direction do I steer this vehicle? I know that videos and social networking can really work well to leverage your time and efforts. But, what am I supposed to be doing and WHERE should I be doing it?

I hope and pray that some direction or insight comes to me very soon, because I don't think my business will grow much if I don't get moving forward. Thankfully, I didn't have all of my (marketing) eggs in one basket, and therefore, I have other avenues to pursue.

Anyway, thanks for reading! I will update as I can. Hopefully, my blog is safe. ;o)

Blessings to you!
