Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Marketing Makes Me SICK!

Hey, I know that title is a bit 'rough' and you may be thinking it is a tactic or ploy to get views. NOPE. I truly feel that way today! I am SO sick of all of the 'experts' charging for their secrets while the rest of us flounder around the internet like a fish out of water.

No, I am not a negative person, I really am not. I am just tired of busting my you-know-what, to find out that the 'nice person' is STILL going to finish LAST! *argh!* Why is it that being 'nice' royally ruins a person? Why is it that people will take advantage of the 'nice people', get what they want, and then leave the other person out to dry?

I recently came to the awareness that people I thought were my 'friends' were actually just using me to pivot off of, to their own success. And, the sad thing is, it is STILL being done to dozens of others. I can't tell anyone anything, because they won't listen to me. Who am I? To them, I am just a stay-at-home mom with too much time on her hands and more kids than they'll ever know what to do with. And, to a degree, I get where they are coming from. I don't rank #1 on Google. I haven't spent thousands to be trained in business. I don't have any degrees or fancy certificates.

What I do have is the heart of a servant. I care more about these people and their well-being, then they will EVER know. I don't have to know them personally. They are people just like me, wanting to improve their lives. They are people with families. They are people that have tried an endless stream of 'opportunities' JUST so they could have a slim chance at their dream life. Who am I to take that away from them?

But, at night, when I lie down to sleep, I pray for them. Because, I know something they don't. I know that all of THEIR hard work is building up someone else. I did a video once about branding YOU. Making a name for who you are, what you believe in and what you have to offer the world. I don't think but a small handful truly 'grasped' the message. And, that small group was comprised of people that already knew what I was saying and had learned that long ago. They already had established themselves. The other 90%+ of the viewers continue, to this day, to market someone else.

I wish I could share with them what I have learned. I wish that people could just be kind to one another. I wish that, instead of promoting a product/service/team/company/Guru... people would just grasp that no one follows a "no name". People buy the name brand product because it has been brainwashed in to their brain that it works! Most people don't follow the 'underdog', but rather, they seek out the "Guru" and follow them. That's great for the "Guru", but where is the person that did ALL of the hard work to market the "Guru"? They are left out and either give up, or move on to something else, only to repeat the vicious cycle.

It has been a rough road for me this year. I have worked really hard to make a name for myself and every time I am feeling like I am getting somewhere, I find that a door has been slammed shut in my face. But, as the saying goes: "When one door is closed, another one is opened." I believe and have faith that my God will take care of me, and that if I stay strong, and seek out the open door, I will never fail. The only way I could fail is if I give up. I hope that others out there in the business marketplace seek out the open doors that are in front of them. That they never give up and therefore, never accept failure or defeat.


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