Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Average "Jane" Biz *Review* Free Online Cash System

In the pursuit of researching businesses to supplement our family income, I decided to do some case studies on business that I see online. These business opportunities lead the viewer to believe that the opportunity is free and that you can make hundreds or thousands of dollars "overnight". Of course, not everything is what it seems.

Our first case study is about a little-known system that was launched on December 15, 2007. It is called the Free Online Cash System. This particular business was created to enable people to pay a low cost to get started and yield large results.

After some 'growing pains', the founders, Jah Kafele and Keith Cameron, stumbled upon a way to introduce the business to any individual, anywhere in the world, with no out of pocket cost to that person. The Free Online Cash System went through a metamorphosis and became what is is today.

My personal experience with The Free Online Cash System is a positive one. I found the system in late January of 2008, shortly after the memberships started to increase, due to the magnetiscm of the program itself. I was skeptical that there was truly NO out of pocket cost and was determined to wait and see.

Now, because it worked out so well for me, and many people I introduced to the system, it has become my primary business. But, setting aside my respect and adoration for the Free Online Cash System, its Founders and the Community of Members, I will say that there is a bit of work involved.

In order to join the Free Online Cash System with NO out of pocket cost, a person must complete 2 "Phases". These phases are a bit tedious and you must be very careful to read the terms and conditions of the third-party resources. This is not a problem for most, but for some it can be too much to deal with.

In response to the concerns of the guests that wanted to become members, the Free Online Cash System Founders decided to create a way for people to join without completing all of the "Phases". This, though, requires a payment to be made in lieu of the advertised NO out of pocket.

Members have come through the 'doors' and started to generate free cash, as they call it, for themselves in both ways, with or without paying anything. The option is left open to the guests as to what they want to do. But, now at least, people have the option.

In addition, the training and support were like nothing I had ever experienced. My own sponsor was available via email, phone or instant messenger any time that I had questions. If he was not able to address my questions, or was unavailable, I could freely contact the Founders for answers or suggestions.

Likewise, the training is specifically designed to help the newbie get going, as well as provide resources for the advanced marketer, again, with NO out of pocket cost. They hold two calls for training per week, besides a regularly updated training page. They open up the training calls for Q&A before getting in to the content of the call. And last, but not least, the members that come in to the Community, bring with them various levels of experience in various types of marketing, and share them with other members of the community.

In summary, after 4 months being involved with the Free Online Cash System, I can comfortably state that it is a true opportunity for anyone that wants to get started in an online business with NO out of pocket cost. I have personally recognized the Founders and the majority of the Member Community to be helpful, supportive and available. I have not been 'hit' with any hidden fees, charges or upgrade requirements, as there are none.

I give the Free Online Cash System 5 out of 5 stars!

Joy Marino aka Average "Jane"

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